Vision of the PEISCIA

The PEI Soil and Crop Improvement Association is an organization committed to the conservation and wise-use of the agricultural land base on Prince Edward Island with the demonstration and promotion of practical management tools or techniques to sustain healthy land, water and air resources.

Mission of the PEISCIA

Be an independent, arm's length evaluator and demonstrator of new and appropriate techniques and technology that will further soil and water conservation objectives
Deliver appropriate third party programs to Island land holders
Support projects and activities that meet the vision of the association
Use experience and reputation to present the agricultural focus of soil and water conservation to the public.

PEISCIA Milestones

PEISCIA founded by David Smith
Demonstrate a new practice of harvesting forage at the early bud stage to increase protein, digestability and cuts per season. Introduce corn silage on PEI. Demonstrate rye grass as a high yielding, late season pasture crop
Demonstrate zero-till pasture renovation techniques. Introduce higher yielding cereal production and management techniques that attain record-breaking yields
Demonstrate the first field-scale trial of soybeans on PEI
Conduct first trial of wheat for milling and soybeans for feeding hogs and cattle
First Annual Conference (March annually). First agricultural summer tour with 340 in attendance
Demonstrate soil and water conservation practices such as strip cropping, shelter belts, grass waterways, diversion terraces, and winter cover cropping
In cooperation with the Potato Producers Association, Horticultural Council and Vegetable Growers Association, hosted a major agricultural conference, including the first trade show at a PEI agricultural conference. More than 1,000 in attendance
Introduce crop scouting to PEI and managed a team of cereal, soybean, and potato crop scouts for nearly 10 years.
First Soil Conservationist of the Year Award. Today the award is presented annually to one cash crop and one livestock producer
1990 - 2004
Demonstrate livestock fencing and alternate watering systems along streams. PEISCIA delivered the Fencing and Watering Program from 1991 to 2004
Crop Scouting has grown to eight employees and 100 clients
Delivery of the 3-year Land Management Assistance Program for soil conservation
Delivery of the Environmental Farm Plan as a Pilot Project on PEI
Receive the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture Wetland Conservation Award
Delivery of the 3-year Green Plan Program for soil conservation and waste management.
Receive the Prince Edward Island Environmental Award in the Citizen Group Category
Develop and promote model land lease agreements and conservation covenant agreements
Develop a brochure for the Environmental Farm Plan, and a fact sheet of livestock watering systems. Sponsor the development of three soil conservation videos and an interactive CD ROM in partnership with the PEI Department of Agriculture and Forestry
2002 - 2006
Establishment of two agri-conservation clubs on PEI with 60 producers
2003 - Present
Agroforestry and biomass demonstrations and trials
2003 - 2007
Demonstrations, tours and workshops of BMPs under the Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Program
2003 - 2008
Verification of the potato Grower Standard - Foodtrust
2008 - 2010
Riparian Health Assessments
Nutritional management trials and demonstrations

General Activities & Services

Program Delivery
Delivery of programs related to:

Soil and water conservation or protection
Nutrient Management and agronomy
Environmental Farm Plans
Alternate watering systems for livestock
New crop development and evaluation
New equipment evaluation
New farm technology
Climate change adaptation and mitigation

Advisory/Consultative Services
Advisory/consultative resources to farmers, agribusiness, government, environmental groups and the general public on issues related to the conservation and wise-use of the agricultural land base on Prince Edward Island.

Evaluation Services
Arms length evaluator, supporter and developer of management tools and techniques that will sustain healthy land and water resources.

Information Services
Source of information to farmers, agribusiness, government, environmental groups and the general public on the conservation and wise-use of the agricultural land base.

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